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Freezedried & Co and the Transat Jacques Vabre

Transat Jacques Vabre 2019 - The Freeze Dried & Co Team in Le Havre

85% of the fleet stocked up at Freeze Dried & Co. Just before the start, Ariane and Clara were in Le Havre to make the final deliveries and exchange with the skippers. On this occasion, the Freeze Dried & Co team was accompanied by our Norwegian friends from the Real Turmat brand.

Coming directly from Tromsø, north of the Arctic Circle, Monica, Björn (the chef himself!), and Hild-Eline were able to exchange directly with the sailors and gather their feedback on the use of freeze-dried meals in real offshore racing conditions. Needless to say, tasting freeze-dried meals in rough seas is no easy task when a boat like La Fabrique can reach speeds of 60 km per hour!

The kitchen area on La Fabrique 

Since June, many crews have been testing their food for this legendary race, which started last Sunday. What are the culinary trends for the race?

Each sailor prepares their own meals, so no trend is defined, as provisioning is custom-made. While some sailors have only stocked sterilized food, others have brought freeze-dried meals or a mix of both on board. These meals are supplemented with snacks (energy bars, dried meats...) and drinks to provide the right energy at the right time during 10 to 15 days of racing.

So to all those who have visited us, a big THANK YOU!

Alan includes Real in his provisioning

Photo Credit: © Christophe Breschi / La Fabrique Sailing Team with Alan Roura, our ambassador